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Ask a Dietitian

"Diana, just a quick heads up to let you know we are still using your cookbook and the guys will often be heard saying what would Diana say about this or that....really good feed back... I made your potato salad and the oriental coleslaw on Sat. for a family luncheon and had rave reviews so thanks again."

Maeghan Henke
BC Hydro

November is Osteoporosis Month

November 27th, 2018

I feel like it’s been a while since we talked about osteoporosis.  We make more than 250 food related decisions each day.  How many were about your bones? Did you know that 2 million Canadians are affected by osteoporosis?  Calcium and Vitamin D help build and maintain strong bones.   You need 1000mg calcium per day. (1200mg if you are over 50 and 1300mg per day if you are 9-18yrs).

Your body uses calcium every day, so you need to consume calcium every day, otherwise your body will steal it from your bones. You also need 600-1000 IU vitamin D per day (800-2000 IU Vit D if you are over 50) to help you absorb the calcium and deposit it into your bones along with weight bearing exercise.

Here are some easy ways to add calcium to your diet.

1 cup Milk (300mg calcium) – make soups with milk instead of water, have cereal and milk for a snack and drink a glass at dinner.

1 cup Calcium fortified OJ (300mg calcium)– make overnight oats, use it in a smoothie, enjoy a glass with breakfast or add it to plain yogurt for flavor and nutrients.

3/4c Yogurt (250mg calcium) – have it as a snack, top it with berries and granola or use it in your smoothie with Tropicana essentials OJ for an extra calcium punch.

1/4cup almonds (150 mg calcium)- 1/4c is about 23 almonds.  Enjoy them as a snack with dried apricots, toasted they are delicious on steamed green beans or in a quinoa salad.

½ cup canned salmon with the bones (320 mg calcium)- put salmon on your salad, add it to a casserole or make a salmon sandwich with plain Greek yogurt instead of mayo, celery and spinach leaves

1 cup Broccoli (50mg calcium)-delicious in a stir fry, raw with yogurt dip or chopped in a salad with apple and walnuts.

For Vitamin D you can get some in milk, fortified orange juice or soymilk and margarine or eggs but not enough so it’s a good idea to take a supplement in the winter.

Weight bearing exercise helps build strong bones: walking, running, weight lifting, hiking and yoga to name a few, are all great weight bearing activities. (note: swimming is not weight bearing).  You don’t need to do an hour, but every little bit counts.  Take the stairs, walk the dog or pop in to the gym after your swim.  Even carrying groceries is weight bearing!

Please don’t forget to think about your bones.